A passably inoffensive video collage of photos taken over the last few years around County Cork. Also, music. Continue Reading Visualising Cork
Despite my best efforts to pooh-pooh its usefulness, I may end up using OpenStreetMap in future research. Continue Reading Dabbling with OpenStreetMap
Prismatic shows you stuff you like. Will it help with Digital Humanities research? Continue Reading The DiRT on Prismatic
Electronic Arts still has not grasped the fact that women want to create and play video games. Continue Reading Electronic Arts continues to push women into the background
Loud misogyny in gaming is widespread, despite the fact that 48% of gamers are female. (Original post by Glen Hunter.) Before I begin, I’m gonna be straight up and say, publicly for the first time on my blog (outside of poetry or spoken word) I am gender fluid: “Gender Fluid is a gender identity best… Continue Reading Gamergate: Rise of the Undead Trolls
Rather than be gently prompted or decide to get there “some day”, I challenge video game companies to take the lead on instigating a change in their CIS, straight, male privilege-based culture from the inside. NOW. Continue Reading Why the video game industry needs to take the initiative in gender equality
Diversity in media pays dividends creatively and financially. Shouldn’t it be built into the process? Continue Reading Building diversity, equality, and representation into large media production
Diversity has a long way to go in film, media, and gaming, but companies are becoming more aware of the benefits of building it into both staffing and end product. Some more successfully than others. Continue Reading Making connections: diversity in media
Blog Action Day: Stories engender not only empathy, but value. Continue Reading Lurching toward equality